(785) 842-6382

Our Social Media Platforms

Our Social Media Platforms

Our Social Media Platforms

Social media is an important part of any small business, in fact it is one of the easiest ways you can support a small business. At META we have several different social media platforms in order to best reach our current and possible customers. Here are the platforms we currently have.

  1. Facebook - Our name on Facebook is Mayhew Environmental Training Consultants. Our Facebook has the chat option to reach out and ask any quick questions you might have. We also post any and all updates there.
  2. Facebook in Spanish -  Our username for our Spanish Facebook is META Espanol 1986. We have a large Spanish population in our clientele so to be more inclusive and to keep communication open we created a Facebook page for our Spanish speaking clients. 
  3. Instagram - Our username on Instagram is META_Environmental. Just like our other platforms, Instagram is used to keep our clients up to date and informed. 
  4. Twitter - Our username on Twitter is METAEnvTraining. Our Twitter is full of information not only from us but other industry leaders.
  5. LinkedIn - Our username on LinkedIn is Mayhew Environmental Training Associates. Following our LinkedIn is a great way to keep up to-date with us and any changes within the company.

We encourage you to follow and like us on all available social media platforms. We can’t wait to make connections with you.

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